Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nuclear Chemistry - Fill Blanks Type

1. An element under [A,Z]M undergoes an α-emission followed by two successive β-emissions. The element formed is __________ . (JEE 1982)

answer: [A-4, Z]M

2. The number of neutrons in the parent nucleus which gives 14N on beta emission is __________ . (JEE 1985)

Answer: 8
Reason: One proton increases to give 7 protons of nitrogen. Hence before beta emission there are 8 neutrons and 6 protons.

3. A radio active nucleus decays emitting one alpha and two beta particles; the daughter nucleus is ___________ of the parent. (JEE 1989)

Answer: isotope
Reason; Z is same but A is different.

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